2.8. How to read results¶
The aim of this tutorial is to provide informations and example to read, plot and analyse the data provided by Frog at the end of the simulation. Today, Frog returns pickle file as final output and no other possibilities are available.
This tutorial will use several jupyter notebook file since many options are presented. We strongly advice you to try the command line as you read this document using these notebook.
Note: These procedure works in other python environment then jupyter
notebook. Jupyter notebook is available in most python distribution –
try $ jupyter notebook
in your shell to open it!
First, you will probably need some standard library, let’s load them:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
Then, let’s load the Frog module we need: frog_data_analysis
. We may
also need other Frog module, therefore we will update the path to the
current Frog version using:
path = '/home/fdupond/Software/Frog'
sys.path.append(path + '/Source')
sys.path.append(path + '/Source/Molecules')
sys.path.append(path + '/Source/Class')
import frog_data_analysis
Where path
should point to the directory where Frog is install. If
you have already updated your python path permanently, the first 4 lines
are not required.
Now, that we have initialize your python environment, let’s first load the Frog results and then plot the diagram. In the last part of the tutorial, we will see how to load some specific molecular value – for advanced user. (je dit ‘’advanced user’’ car cette partie est plus delicate!)
2.8.1. Open the pickle results¶
In order to load the results from the pickle file to a more humain
readable format in python, we will use the function load_result
the frog_data_analysis
module. This function will return the General
Parameter object (GP) and the list of the merged Molecule Type (MT).
Here is an example:
directory = '/home/fdupond/Software/Frog/Doc/Tutorial_files/Get_started_tuto'
GP, L_moleculetype_result = frog_data_analysis.load_result(directory, name_result='L_moleculetype_result.p', what_to_print=['general info', 'diagram info'])
Where directory
is the localization of the results file,
is an optional argument in case the name of the merged
MT list is not L*moleculetyperesult.p* and what_to_print
last optional argument to make this function print some useful
information about this file. Note that you can call these print function
frog_data_analysis.print_general_info(GP, L_moleculetype_result)
frog_data_analysis.print_diagram_info(GP, L_moleculetype_result)
After loading the results.
At this point, you have loaded the object GP
which contains broad
information about the MD files used by the Frog analysis, and
which contains the results of the Frog run.
The diagrams available contains the information of all the time step
treated (also called ‘merged’ diagram) and the molecular information of
the first time step treated – see the last part of this tutorial for
more information.
These function are here to remind you the MT type defined and the precise name of the diagram available for each of them. Frog has been designed so that the information you need (most of the time) are present in the diagram objects. Let’s see how to use them.
2.8.2. Plot the diagrams¶ General procedure¶ How to load any diagram?¶
First, a short reminder about how the diagram has been created and their structure.
In the parameter file, you have first define the General Parameter,
which is load in the frog_data_analysis.load_result
function, and
then the different Molecule Type. For every MT, you have define the
diagram to perform using the
function. These diagrams are
contain in the L_moleculetype_result
object. We will see in the last
part how to call them directly, in this section we will use the
function: frog_data_analysis.return_diagram
. Here is an example
using the tutorial ‘get started’, the procedure explained here is
already implemented in the notebook get*startedanalysis.ipynb* of
this directory.
Let’s remind what MT and what diagram are available for this run using:
frog_data_analysis.print_diagram_info(GP, L_moleculetype_result)
############## Some information about the diagram available: ##############
Here is the list of the available MT: ['Water_TIP4P2005']
For every MT, here are the available diagram:
MT: Water_TIP4P2005
name of the diagram, population
density_slice_z 17000
molecular_orientation_slice_z 17000
chi 17000
There is 1 MT named ‘Water*TIP4P2005’ and 3 diagram available: ‘density*slicez’, ‘molecularorientationslicez’ and ‘chi’ . Let’s load the density analysis of this MT using:
MT_name = 'Water_TIP4P2005'
name_diagram = 'density_slice_z'
my_diagram = frog_data_analysis.return_diagram(GP, L_moleculetype_result, MT_name, name_diagram)
The object my_diagram
is a diagram of type ‘Dia*density’ – try out
`type(my*diagram)`. This diagram object return contains all the
information needed. What contains a diagram object?¶
Here is a list of the attribute name you can from any diagram object:
value: The discretized value of the observable required. It is an non-normalized distribution. We will explain in more details what it contains later on and for every type of analysis.
valuesquare: usefull?
size: The size of the ‘value’ argument. For instance (100, 3, 50) means that the ‘value’ array has a 100X3X50 size. This first argument always refers to the space discretization.
population: an integer with the total number of molecule which have contributed to this distribution.
unit: the unit object corresponding to the
attribute. All the diagram are ‘population’, except for the density analysis, since it refers to the number of occurrence of the observable within a certain range of value. We will explain it in more detail in the following unit section.axis_space: The axis representing the space discretization.
axis_observable: The axis representing the observable discretization. Axis:¶
For all the space-discretize diagram, the attribute
contain a ‘frog*axis’ object which correspond
to the relative axis discretization values. For instance, we wanted to
have the density along the z-laboratory axis using 100 bin for the
discretization – done using the argument `[‘density’, ‘Plane*xy’,
[100]]``in the function``moleculetype.readdiagraminputof the input file. Therefore, the
mydiagram.axisspaceof this diagram represent the z-axis discretize in 100 bin. The
is a list going from 0 to the z-box size at the time step 0 with 100
Please note that if the box size changes during the MD simulation, the
discretization along the laboratory axis will follows this evolution
(i.e. the bin-length used to construct my_diagram.value
change). However, for simplicity, the my_diagram.axis_space.value
will be based only on the first frame.
For all the diagram type, except the ‘density’, the attribute
contains a ‘frog*axis’ object which
correspond to the relative observable discretization values. For
instance, we wanted to have the chi tensor discretized over 50 bins –
done using the arguement ['chi', 'Averaged', [1, 50], [-10, 10]]
the function
`moleculetype.read*diagraminput``of the input file. In this case, the extra argument [-10, 10] holds for the minimal and maximal authorised value for every tensor components (in atomic units). Therefore, The``mydiagram.axis_observable`.value
is a list going from -10 to 10 with 50 elements. value:¶
The my_diagram.value
is the occurrence of the molecular value,
discretized according to the parameters. For instance, see the file
get*startedanalysis.ipynb* of the ‘get started’ tutorial, in the
case of an input: ['density', 'Plane_xy', [100]]
, the
is a list with the size 100 – given also by
. The mean position of the water molecule are
computed for every frame, and the position along the z laboratory axis
is discretize into 100 bin with respect to the box size in the z
direction. In this example, the box size along the z direction is 150 A.
Therefore, a molecular z mean position is 74 A corresponds to the 50th
bin. Thus, for every molecule with a z mean position of 74 A, Frog will
add 1 in the 50th bin of my_diagram.value
– i.e.
since python list index starts from 0.
Here us another example more complex using the molecular orientation,
see the file get*startedanalysis.ipynb* of the ‘get started’
tutorial. In this case, the input used to generate the diagram is
['molecular_orientation', 'Plane_xy', [100, 100], 'independent']
the input file. For a given molecule, Frog will perform two
discretization: one regarding the mean position (like the previous case)
and one regarding the molecular orientation. Let’s say the mean position
of the molecule in the z laboratory axis is 89 A and the molecular
orientation is [-0.89, 0.1, 0.42]. As for the above example, the space
discretization uses 100 bin. The mean position 89 A correspond to the
60th bin. In order to discretize the molecular orientation (the
observable), 100 bin is also used. The molecular orientation range from
-1 to 1 (projections). Therefore, a molecular orientation of [-0.89,
0.1, 0.42] correspond to the bin 6, 56 and 72. Since the independent
distribution is required here, the my_diagram.value
will be a
100X3X100 array – given also by my_diagram.size
. If Frog found a
molecule with a z laboratory axis mean position of 89 A and a molecular
orientation of [-0.89, 0.1, 0.42], it will add 1 to the
and my_diagram.value[59][2][71]
Note: if the join distribution was asked, the my_diagram.value
be a 100X100X100X100 array – given also by my_diagram.size
. In this
case, the molecule would lead to only one element update:
. Mean value and standard deviation:¶
For all the analysis type except the ‘density’ and the ‘rdf’ (for Radial Distribution Function), mean value and standard deviation are already available in the diagram object:
mean: The mean value of the observable. This value can depend on an space axis if the diagram is space-discretized.
sd: The standard deviation of the observable. This value can depend on an space axis if the diagram is space-discretized. Remarque: if only one molecule contribute to this value, the standard deviation has been set to zero.
axis_population: In the case the analysis is space-discretize, this list show the number of molecule which have contribute to this distribution for each space-bin. This list is used to normalized the mean and sd value for space-discretized analysis.
For instance, let’s take the space-averaged molecular orientation of the
‘Mixture MD’ tutorial, see the file mixture*mdanalysis.ipynb* for
the analysis jupyter notebook. For the ‘Water*TIP4P2005’ MT, the
molecular orientation has 3 dimension. Therefore, the dimension of the
mydiagram.sd``is 3. Please note that the unit of the ‘mean’ and ‘sd’ is the same as the one of the``mydiagram.axis_observableaxis. Here, the mean and the sd are **normalized** with respect to the number of molecule with have contributed -- *i.e.* space and time using the
If the molecular orientation of the ‘Water*TIP4P2005’ MT is now also
space-discretize as in the tutorial ‘get started’, see the
*get*startedanalysis.ipynb* file. In this case, the space
discretization is made over 100 bin. Therefore, the dimension of the
mean and sd is 100x3 and represent the average of the observable (the
molecular orientation) in function of the position of the molecule. As
for the previous case of non-space-discretized analysis, the mean and sd
are **normalized* with respect to the number of molecule with have
contributed – i.e. for a given part of space and time using the
`axis*population. If you want to know how many molecule has contributed to each space-bin, you can plot the
using for example:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.axis_population)
plt.ylabel('Population in Molecule')
plt.title('Number of molecule used to compute the mean value wrt the altitude')
This axis_population
is in fact close to a density in many cases.
Now let’s plot the mean value of the molecular orientation 1st dimension with respect to the altitude using:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.mean.T[0])
If you want to plot the mean value with error bars using the standard deviation:
plt.errorbar(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.mean.T[0], yerr=my_diagram.sd.T[0], label='orientation mean', fmt = 'k', marker='o', mfc='k', ms=1, mew=1, linewidth=1)
Note that here the error bars is equal to the standard deviation.
As for the previous plot example, we use the function
of a unit object. Let’s have a look at the unit object
briefly. unit:¶
Both the observable represented by my_diagram.value
and the axis
and my_diagram.axis_space
have an
unit. Here are the unit component already defines in Frog, in
parenthesis the default value:
length: [Angstrom], for instance the space-axis.
population: [molecule] , for instance the density or the radial distribution function analysis.
potential: [V], for the electric field analysis.
polarizability: [atomic unit], for the alpha and iota analysis.
hyperpolarizability: [atomic unit], for the beta and chi analysis.
The molecular orientation has a special unit named ‘’projection’’, ranged from -1 to 1.
The H-bond has a special unit name H-bond. The H-bond are very special since they are defined for each molecular pair. Therefore, it just represent the ‘own’ and ‘given’ H-bond, the frog unit is therefore somehow useless.
All the my_diagram.value
object have a ‘population’ unit, by default
in number of molecule, except the density analysis where the
is a population.length^{-3}, default unit
molecule.A^{-3}. This unit is encoded in the my_diagram.unit
If the analysis is space discretized, the my_diagram.axis_space
as for unit length and default value Angstrom, encoded in
The my_diagram.axis_observable
unit depends on the analysis type:
Density: The
does not exist, this is an exception – see bellow.Molecular Orientation: the unit is ‘Projection’, since the value is ranged from -1 to 1 and has no real ‘’physical’’ meaning.
H-bond: the unit is ‘H-bonds’ and has no real ‘’physical’’ meaning. It just represent the number of H-bond own and given.
RDF: the unit is a population [Molecule].
Electric Field: the unit is potential/length [V/A].
Alpha and Iota (polarizabilities): the unit is polarizabilities (TODO, mais il me semble que c est un volume physiquement parlant) [atomic unit].
Beta and Chi (hyperpolarizabilities): the unit is hyperpolarizabilities (TODO) [atomic unit].
This unit is stored in my_diagram.axis_observable.unit
In order to print the actual unit value of an unit object, use the
function unit.print_unit()
You can change any unit using the function
which takes several arguments. For
instance,let’s take the case of the density analysis of the ‘get
started’ tutorial, see the get*startedanalysis.ipynb* file. You
can plot the density with respect to the space using:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.value/GP.nbr_time_step)
Here, the space axis is in Angstrom and the density in Molecule.A^{-3}
by default – these unit are printed using
respectively. If you want to change
the space axis unit to nm, use:
my_diagram.switch_unit_diagram('axis_space', 'length', 'nm', custom_change=False, molar_mass=False)
In the first argument specifies what object the function should change
the unit. It can be either ‘distribution’, for the my_diagram.value
‘axis*observable’, for the `my*diagram.axisobservable`, or
‘axisspace’ for the my_diagram.axis_space
. In the second argument
specifies what unit component should be changed. The possible value are:
‘population’, ‘potential’, ‘polarizability’, ‘hyperpolarizability’, or
‘length’. The third argument specifies the new unit of this unit
component. For instance, you can change the ‘population’ unit component
to ‘Molecule’, ‘Mol’, ‘g’ or ‘kg’, and the ‘length’ unit component to
‘m’, ‘dm’, ‘cm’, ‘mm’, ‘mu’, ‘nm’ or ‘A’. Note that if you want to act
to the population, you should provide the molar mass of the molecule
(g/mol) using the optional argument ‘molar_mass’.
Once the unit of the distribution/axis is change, a coefficient to switch the value of these object is provided and automatically apply. The unit given are coherent to the value provided. Note that if you change the observable axis, it also change the mean and standard deviation (if they exist). (TODO: exemple a donner dans un fichier. Pour l instant je n en ai pas eu besoin a vrai dire).
If we want to plot the density in Kg.dm^{-3} (Kg/L), we have to call two
time the switch_unit_diagram
function: one for the ‘population’ part
of the density, and one for the ‘length’. For instance:
my_diagram.switch_unit_diagram('distribution', 'population', 'kg', custom_change=False, molar_mass=18)
my_diagram.switch_unit_diagram('distribution', 'length', 'dm', custom_change=False, molar_mass=False)
Now, we can plot again the density with respect to the altitude with the same line:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.value/GP.nbr_time_step)
but this time the x-axis (space) is in nm and the y-axis (density) is in Kg.dm^{-3}. Some remarks on the normalization:¶
You may have notice that in order to plot the density, a normalization
of the my_diagram.value
by the number of time step
is needed. This is due to the fact that the
are not normalized with respect to the number of
time step in any case by default – contrary to the mean values.
Indeed,, we advice to keep track of the number of molecule used to
obtained any value. You can use my_diagram.population
to print the
number of molecule which have contributed to the diagram. Moreover, you
can plot the number of molecule used to computed space-discretize mean
value using the my_diagram.axis_population
,for instance:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.axis_population)
plt.ylabel('Population used to compute mean')
Moreover, we recomand to sometime not normalised the
distribution with the number of time step to have
the actual number of occurrence. It may help you to check if a behaviour
is only due to noise or is statistically relevant. How to plot the different analysis?¶
Je ne sais pas a quel point j ai besoin de rentrer dans les details ici. J espere que ce qui a deja ete explique permet de comprendre la suite.
For simplicity sake, we will use some notation to refers to the
different discretization. N refers to the space discretization – the
size of my_diagram.axis_space.value
. If the analysis is not
space-discretized, N=1. M refers to the observable discretization – the
size of my_diagram.axis_observable.value
. A last dimension D can be
needed for some analysis – for instance, the hyperpolarizability have
27 components, therefore D=27. Density¶
Very special case: no mean, no sd and no axisobservable. If the
density is not space discretized, to get the mean density you should
`mydiagram.value/GP.nbrtimestepwhich is a 1 element array. If the density is space discretized, use also
which is a N element array. Then you can plot it using:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.value/GP.nbr_time_step)
To get the mean density over the all space, you can use for instance:
The unit of the density is population.length^{-3} [molecule.A^{-3}]. Molecular orientation¶
The dimension depend on the MT. For instance for the WaterTIP4P2005
MT, 3 dimension are needed, for the MethanolOPLSAA, 6 dimensions are
needed – let’s call this dimension D. The dimension of the mean and the
sd is equal to NXD. If the independent distribution is required, the
dimension of the my_diagram.value
is NXDXM while if the join
probability is required is goes to NXD^M.
The unit of the density is ‘Projection’. H-bond¶
Since the H-bond values should be small (less then 10 H-bond per
molecule for instance), the join distribution of own and given H-bond is
computed. The user can even defines two different number of
discretization for the own and given H-bond M and M’. The size of the
object is NxMxM’. The mean and sd is a Nx2 array –
the column is for the own and the second for the given H-bond.
To plot the own and given distribution, you can use:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_observable.value, my_diagram.value[0][:][0], label='Own')
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_observable.value2, my_diagram.value[0][:][1], label='Given')
plt.title('H-bond between water-methanol')
Please note that for the H-bond the my_diagram.axis_observable
2 value: one for the own and for the given H-bond.
You can print the mean with the standard deviation using:
print('Mean value:', my_diagram.mean, 'sd: ', my_diagram.sd, 'unit: ', my_diagram.axis_observable.unit.print_unit())
The unit of the H-bond is ‘H-bonds’. Radial Distribution Function¶
There is no mean nor sd for the RDF. The size of the the
object is NxM. It represent the number of partner
molecule found for a given distance away from the target MT. The result
for all the time and for all the molecule of this MT are summed in the
. To get the averaged value per molecule, normalise
using my_diagram.population
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_observable.value, my_diagram.value[0]/my_diagram.population)
plt.title('Raw RDF for water-water')
The RDF unit is a population (molecule).
However, to have the usual RDF, this number of molecule found for a given distance should be normalized with respect to the homogenous case. See the ‘Mixture MD’ tutorial, the mixture*mdanalysis.ipynb* file. First, let’s load the density analysis of this same MT and compute the mean density in molecule.A^{-3}:
MT_name = 'Water_TIP4P2005'
name_diagram = 'density_slice_z'
my_diagram_density = frog_data_analysis.return_diagram(GP, L_moleculetype_result, MT_name, name_diagram)
# make sure it is the good unit!
my_diagram_density.switch_unit_diagram('axis_space', 'length', 'A', custom_change=False, molar_mass=False)
my_diagram_density.switch_unit_diagram('distribution', 'population', 'Molecule', custom_change=False, molar_mass=18)
my_diagram_density.switch_unit_diagram('distribution', 'length', 'A', custom_change=False, molar_mass=False)
density_mean = np.sum(my_diagram_density.value/GP.nbr_time_step)/len(my_diagram_density.value)
print(density_mean, my_diagram_density.unit.print_unit())
In the homogeneous case, the RDF is:
d_molecules = my_diagram.axis_observable.value
L_volume_wrt_d = ((4*np.pi*d_molecules**2)*(d_molecules[1]-d_molecules[0])) # 4 \pi R^2 dR
L_homogenous_rdf = density_mean*L_volume_wrt_d # in number of molecule
Thus, the normalised RDF is:
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_observable.value, my_diagram.value[0]/L_homogenous_rdf/my_diagram.population)
plt.title('Normalized RDF for water-water') Electric Field¶
A discuter Polarizabilities¶
Since the polarizabilities (alpha or iota analysis) are 3x3 tensor, D=9.
The size of the the my_diagram.value
object is NxDxM (Nx9xM). To
call any ij tensor element, use the correspondence: x=0, y=1, z=2 and
call the (i+3xj) element of the the my_diagram.value
. For instance,
for the yx tensor element, you should use: the 1+3x0 elements of
, ie
. To plot the distribution
for one tensor component and for a given altitude (bin number z), use:
# the yx tensor element:
i = 1 # y
j = 0 # x
z = 50 # an altitude
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_observable.value, my_diagram.value[z][i+j*3][:])
The mean and sd value have the dimension: Nx3x3. To plot the mean value with respect to the altitude, use:
# the xz tensor element:
i = 0 # x
j = 2 # z
plt.plot(my_diagram.axis_space.value, my_diagram.mean.T[i][j])
The unit is ‘polarizability’, by default in atomic unit. Hyperpolarizabilities¶
Same as for the polarizability. D=27 instead of 9 and the mean and sd have one extra dimension. (si le paragraph d avant est comprehensible, je ferais un equivalent)
2.8.3. Advance: open any molecular value¶
Ouvrir un fichier en particulier
Livre une molecule
Faire une autocorrelation en temps