How to Install Frog?
You can get the code, this wiki, tutorial and some tests from our
Githib page
1.1. Installation
1.1.1. Get the code
1.1.2. Installation using pip
1.1.3. Local python environment
1.1.4. Check the installation
1.1.5. Regular tests
1.1.6. Troubleshouting
1.2. Numerical notes and requirements
1.2.1. OS compatibility
1.2.2. Python packages
1.2.3. Compatible MD software
1.2.4. Compatible QM software
1.2.5. Parallelisation of FROG execution
1.2.6. RAM, Disk space and writing-reading procedure
1. How to Install Frog?
1.1. Installation
1.2. Numerical notes and requirements
2. Tutorials
3. Global Parameter
4. Molecule Type
5. Diagram
6. Optical Analysis
7. Frog package
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