3.5. None user defined

3.5.1. Regarding the MD


Type [float, float, float]

The first time step MD box size. Used to print some information to the user.

Should not be defined by the user – would be overwritten in any case.


In Frog, the MD box size is update for every frame. This variable is used just for printing user-friendly information.


Type [integer]

The total number of molecule read in the topology file.

Should not be defined by the user – would be overwritten in any case.


The number of molecule and atom SHALL remain the same throughout all the MD trajectory. There is no safeguard to prevent Frog to make mistake if it is not the case!!!

3.5.2. MT ensemble


Type [int]

The number of Molecule Type defined by the user – found in the list L_moleculetype.


Type [bool]

Set to True if there are any need of a layer geometry selection. It can be for a diagram or for QM selection. By default set to False.


This attribute is set by Frog and should not be define by the user.


Type [int]

If there are several layer geometric selection (for diagram or QM selction), layer_nbr_max contains the maximal number of layer required. The aim is to do the layer attribution only once with this maximal layer number. If some diagrams use less possible layer (for instance 2 instead of 5), then the molecule in deeper layer are assigned to 0 (for instance the molecule at the layer 3 is assigned to 0).


This attribute is set by Frog and should not be define by the user.

3.5.3. First and third parralellization


Type [integer]

The total number of time step read in the topology file. To define it, use GP.nbr_time_step and GP.trotter_step

Should not be defined by the user – would be overwritten in any case.


Type [list]

A list of integer (size of the list = GP.nbr_parra). Every component define the number of time step to perform for every cores during a parralelized run – during the first and third part.