.. _tutorial_index_page: ========== Tutorials ========== For beginer, we warlmy recommand to try the :ref:`get started tutorial` with the help of the :ref:`overview page`. The :ref:`space discretization tutorial` and the :ref:`liquid mixture` one should help you understanding the *structural* analysis available and how to deal with complexe systems. Then, the :ref:`optical analysis overview` present the main goal of |frog|: perform QM/MM calculation to obtained the first hyperpolarizability in the liquid phase. You can try the :ref:`more advanced QM/MM tutorial` which presents how to refine the PE environment description, see :cite:p:`gle2022first` or :cite:p:`thesis2022` Chapter IV, and how to compute the first hyperpolarizability up to the quadrupole order. See :cite:p:`thesis2022` Chapter VI. A short :ref:`tutorial about the second hyperpolarizability` is proposed for advanced users, see :cite:p:`gle2022first`. Finally, we explain how to write by yourself a new MoleculeType, which is the backbone of |frog|, for any molecule not yet available. This tutorial may require some knowledge about the |frog| functionment explained throughout this wiki. Every tutorial are in the directory *Tutorials* which you should find in the :frog_github:`GitHub repository<>`. Each sub-directory correspond to a tutorial. In every directory you will find input for |frog|, sometimes QM results, and also a jupyter notebook file (.ipynb) that can be used for the analysis. The trajectories needed for the tutorials are in *Tutorials/Traj*. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ./overview ./get_started ./tuto_space_discretization ./tuto_mixture_md ./tuto_optical_analysis_overview ./tuto_quadrupole_long ./tuto_gamma_calculation ./read_frog_data ./what_should_contain_molecular_type_file .. bibliography:: :cited: